Peer Review Process

Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy uses multiple processes for peer review.

Article submission:

For manuscripts under consideration for publication as a scholarly article, the peer review process involves an initial review by the lead Editorial Team (e.g., Editor in Chief, Managing Editor). At this point, the Editor will either determine to send back the manuscript (e.g,. If it does not fit the parameters of the Journal) or to send the manuscript for double-blind peer review. Peer reviewers volunteer for their positions as scholars in their respective fields and are suggested to offer feedback within 6-8 weeks. Delays in the peer review process may occur if a reviewer is unavailable or if there is a split decision on the outcome, which will lead to bringing in a third reviewer.

The outcomes of the review process are:

  • Accept: the article/essay is approved for publication excepting sentence-level grammatical and mechanical editing concerns.

  • Accept with revisions: the article/essay offers scholarship valuable to Popular Culture studies, but based on reviewer comments, some revision, clarification, or reorganization is necessary. If the essay is revised in keeping with the reviewer suggestions, it will be accepted for publication in a future issue of the Journal.

  • Revise and resubmit: the article/essay has the potential to be publishable material, but the review suggestions indicate that revisions in scope, research, and/or style are necessary prior to a reconsideration of the essay. Authors are encouraged to revise accordingly and resubmit the essay, at which point it will be forwarded for double-blind review once more.

  • Reject: the article/essay does not fit the scope and/or scholarly requirements for publication.

Submission may be returned prior to the review process if the editors determine the essay does not fit the scholarly requirements for publication and/or the scope of the Journal.

Submission may be returned prior to the review process if the editors determine the essay does not fit the scholarly requirements for publication and/or the scope of the Journal

Reviews and Musings submissions:

The editorial process for those submitting reviews (e.g., Book review, conference review) and Musings submissions are open reviewed by the lead Editor for Reviews and/or Musings.