
Experiments in Love: Longus’ Daphnis & Chloe and Henry de Vere Stacpoole’s The Blue Lagoon 1

Kirsten Day
Augustana College
Rock Island, Illinois, USA



Despite a chronological gulf of nearly two thousand years, the second century C.E. Greek romance writer Longus and the early twentieth century Irish novelist Henry de Vere Stacpoole were prompted to produce their best works by a similar motive: an urge to explore the world, and particularly the phenomenon of love and desire, from a standpoint of complete innocence. Although the resulting novels, Daphnis & Chloe and The Blue Lagoon respectively, have no evident direct connection, they exhibit surprising similarities not only in plot, setting, and characterization, but also in the values, perspectives, and worldviews they advance. The striking intersections between these two chronologically and geographically diverse works offer us a lens for examining persistent notions of “natural” versus learned masculinity and femininity, for exploring the dynamics behind patriarchal power structures, and for scrutinizing how these issues relate to ideas about the value and merits of civilization. Moreover, analysis of the features common to Longus’ work and the Blue Lagoon narrative, particularly as it is manifested in Randal Kleiser’s 1980 film adaptation of the novel, can serve as a useful pedagogical tool as well. By utilizing an accessible product of popular culture to bring a little-known ancient Greek novel to life, this comparison helps to drive home the persistence of ideologies and power structures that initially seem remote and thus suggests to today’s students the continuing relevance of works from classical antiquity in our modern world in a way that looking at the ancient work in isolation – or even in conjunction with its more direct descendants – cannot. Continue Reading →

Graphic Novel Review — The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You’ll Ever Need

Pink, Daniel H., and Rob Ten Pas. The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You’ll Ever Need. New York: Penguin, 2008. Print.

Robert G. Weiner
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas, USA


In the world of higher education, the last 10 years have seen an explosion in the scholarly study of sequential art, sometimes dubbed comics studies. The present number of courses related to comics is probably triple what it was 20 years ago: courses from the freshman to the graduate level, courses in departments as varied as History, Sociology, Film, Gender and Race Studies, Communication, Art, Electronic Media, and Philosophy. The study of comics is where the study of films was 30 years ago. The rise in scholarly monographs has exploded, and there are numerous academic journals devoted to the subject with more popping up all the time. Comic studies, currently, is a popular topic for academics to discuss, teach, and write about. Continue Reading →

Video Game Review — Final Fantasy XIV: Level Up Forever

Brian Cowlishaw
Northeastern State University
Tahlequah, Oklahoma, USA


After a disastrous premature release, a complete design and programming team change, and a sweeping revision of battle and interface systems that continued until the very last minute, Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) is at last online for good now and humming along smoothly. This addition to gaming’s most legendary franchise is rich, beautiful, addictive, and just plain fun. Final Fantasy XIV is so very well put together, such a massive time suck, such a brilliant combination of story, franchise-history, and gameplay elements that upon close inspection its true nature becomes clear: FFXIV is a work of evil calculating corporate genius that will conquer us all. Continue Reading →

Dialogue Journal Update

Volume 1, Issue 1 Update:

Currently we are in the process of collecting and editing content in order to debut our upcoming issue at the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association conference February 19-22, 2014 in Albuquerque, NM.

Though the specifics may change slightly in the coming weeks, we anticipate 10 articles on the relationship between the Classics and Contemporary Popular Culture, an introduction from the guest editors and an introduction from the editorial team. Keep your eyes open for more news in the near future about this inaugural issue!

Lynnea Chapman King, Editor in Chief and Anna CohenMiller, Managing Editor